June 18, 2022

Creating Esports Jobs Around the World from Chile with Ulises Fahnert

Creating Esports Jobs Around the World from Chile with Ulises Fahnert
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Creating Esports Jobs Around the World from Chile with Ulises Fahnert

Today’s guest is Ulises Fahnert from Santiago, Chile. He is the Founder of NowPlayNoGames and has many years of experience in a wide variety of esports ventures.
NOTE: The most important message that was brought home in this discussion was that creat...

Today’s guest is Ulises Fahnert from Santiago, Chile. He is the Founder of NowPlayNoGames and has many years of experience in a wide variety of esports ventures.

NOTE: The most important message that was brought home in this discussion was that creating esports jobs can be done from anywhere in the world with planning and persistence.

Our discussion included:

Esports in South and Latin America

  • What is the current landscape of esports in South America
  • How different countries stack up – Mexico and Brazil for example
  • Servers, always servers
  • Government impact on esports – history and hopeful future

Esports across cultures

  • Is gaming an international language on its own?
  • Game and platform preferences
  • Interesting note: Ulises got into gaming not only from playing at a young age, but by the opportunity for international travel.

The Vision

  • 100 million concurrent viewers of esports
  • Is the future of media esports?
  • How can esports truly become mainstream?


  • The road to India goes through Brazil
  • Changing peoples’ lives through esports


  • A new form of sponsorship
  • What is a sponsor actually looking for?
  • Gamers are smart


  • Is mobile the future of esports in South America?
  • Is PS and XBOX in their last iteration?
  • Mobile live events – lower cost and higher impact


  • Should the Olympics in esports?

Episode Webpage: https://www.gamerschangelivespodcast.com/8-creating-esports-jobs-around-the-world-from-chile-with-ulises-fahnert  

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Ulises Fahnert

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulises-c%C3%A1rcamo-fahnert-546a1286/

Today’s guest is Ulises Fahnert from Santiago, Chile. He is the Founder of NowPlayNoGames and has many years of experience in a wide variety of esports ventures.

Email: ulises@noplaynohgames.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ulisescf/

Festigame: https://festigame.com/

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Creator and host: Tom Leonard (USA) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomeleonard/

Producer: Reginald Nsowah (Ghana) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/reginald-nsowah-09352929/  


Play Games. Create Jobs. Change Lives.

The Gamers Change Lives Podcast is a show about how to build an esports business from literally anywhere in the world where each week we showcase the journey of an inspiring esports entrepreneur and learn how they solved one particular problem that everyone will ultimately face.

I am your host, Tom Leonard. I have a background in entertainment marketing. After working with many amazing esports entrepreneurs from emerging markets, they inspired me to create a show to tell their stories so that others can be motivated to create their own esports business. Gaming and esports can create jobs tackling the problem of global youth unemployment. Creating jobs from playing games. What could be better than that?

Thanks for listening to The Gamers Change Lives Podcast!

Ulises Fahnert - Chile Profile Photo

Ulises Fahnert - Chile


Ulises Fahnert from Santiago, Chile. He is the Founder of NowPlayNoGames and has many years of experience in a wide variety of esports ventures.