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Ask for Permission or Forgiveness?

Ask for Permission or Forgiveness?

Esports tournament organizers can be faced with a dilemma. When using a publisher’s game for their next tournament, should they approach them about getting their permission? Or hope for the best and if they cross any lines, ask for forgiveness.

At the Gamers Change Lives Podcast we are looking for a guest to talk about this topic. So, if you are on the game publisher side, or know someone who is, and would like to give our audience the real scoop, please let us know. We don’t know all the answers. We just know a lot of the questions.

With a bit of searching online, most tournament organizers can find the fine print about what is acceptable. And in many cases, they will be in the clear. After all the game is out there for people to play, right?

But what if you are planning something maybe a bit larger than just a weekend tournament?

My advice is to reach out to the publisher. The internet makes it so easy. Ask for their permission to hold that exciting online or in-person event. One of three things will happen:

  1. They say yes. Good news. Then you have the opening to ask them to help you promote the event. Most publishers have incredible audiences to tap into. The best thing is you are not asking for money. It is basically free for them to help you out. (They like this part.) And honestly most are looking for new and interesting content. So, a Mortal Kombat tournament in Sub-Saharan Africa could be just the story they can get behind.
  2. They can say no. Not good news. But there are so many games out there, you can choose an alternative. Or maybe with some tweaks to your program, you can get their approval. Then back to number 1 above.
  3. They can ignore you. In that case it is up to you to decide what to do. But if they can’t be bothered to respond, they probably won’t be bothered coming after you either. (NOTE: this is not legal advice – I know I am not qualified to give that, ever.)

The bottom line is that you want to be talking to everyone about your event. That includes the publishers. It might just open up a line of communication that will be useful for the next event you hold after you knock this one out of the ballpark.

Do you typically ask for permission or forgiveness?

Photo by Tarikul Raana on Unsplash