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Sept. 2, 2024

How To Get Into Esports With Content Writing

How To Get Into Esports With Content Writing

Featured image: Microsoft Copilot


The competitive gaming industry is one that has seemingly made careful establishments in the world, raking up large numbers in viewership and revenue. It has fortunately been able to make gradual expansions in departments including content writing. Since this is an industry that experiences growth every year, the demands in esports content spreads across the globe, with companies emerging and merging as well as titles being introduced and the business of esports experiencing changes adequately. 


Being an esports content writer is one of the jobs to undertake if you intend to make a career out of esports, and below are some ways to help you begin your journey as one: 

Photo Credit: Microsoft Copilot

  • Be an esports enthusiast: Be sure that you know what you are talking about. Familiarize yourself with the esports titles you would want to talk about, their associated communities and their professional scenes. This is because esports may differ with the mechanics, gameplay and even tournament formats, so the need to understand them exclusively is critical to the content you will be publishing. If you can also, try dabbling in some of the titles as a way of having hands-on experience to help with clarity in the explanations of some of these esports mechanisms. 


  • Understand your audience: Esports fans are knowledgeable about the games they follow, so to create engaging content around the esports titles you should be well-rounded with aspects they are keen about and provide insight accordingly. An example could be creating content around Dota 2, where you can focus on gameplay strategies, stories from tournaments or even go as far as interviewing players from the title’s community. You captivate your audience with the tailoring of the content as you make it suit their interests. 

Photo Credit: Microsoft Copilot

  • Develop your voice and a style: Your writing should be a reflection of your personality as well as resonate with your target audience. The choice is yours with the style you adopt: informative, entertaining or a bit of both. The important element to consider is consistency, because this is what will help build your reputation and make you stand out. The brand is dependent on what approaches you employ: informal, witty and anecdotal for the lighthearted approach or professional and backed with data and evidence for the analytical approach.


  • Volunteer: One of the ways to build your portfolio as a writer is to volunteer for gigs in various esports companies. They may not all come with some form of compensation, but the exposure to an audience is relatively high. Gathering experience for about three to six months could help with having a decent portfolio for your next step. Volunteering also may extend to gaming events, where you can build some in-person connections. Be sure to have your articles published under your name when you agree to work as a volunteer. Over time as you may have built a good reputation, you can offer ghostwriting services as well.  


  • Provide valuable insights: Keeping an audience engaged is dependent on the element of how insightful your content may be. To make that happen for you will be to go further with what will be going into your content: offering information on performances, which will cover aspects of strategies, team dynamics and individual player strengths. And information around new deals and mergers and what that may mean for esports. Topped with data-driven analysis and trends in esports, you demonstrate for yourself having expertise in the field. 



Becoming a successful brand in esports is one that takes time even though this industry is one that is growing at a rapid rate, so consider these strategies and hopefully you too will make a name for yourself in esports content writing. Keep an eye out for classifieds as they may have some job openings and take it on from there. All the best in your journey as an esports content writer! 


Esports has helped create jobs for lots of people. Interested in knowing about the business side of esports? Listen to the Gamers Change Lives Podcast! We get experienced guests from all around the world featuring. 

Gamers Change Lives Podcast

Written by Jeffrey Osei-Agyeman