Nov. 18, 2024

How To Land Your Big Break As A Shoutcaster

How To Land Your Big Break As A Shoutcaster

Featured image: Microsoft Copilot


Shoutcasting amplifies the esports players’ achievements by bringing their stories to the world through the evoking of the audience interest. Gradually shoutcasting has become an esports career path that is bringing a unique set of opportunities. To become one is to understand what the job is about and the types of work in the field. 


Shoutcasters or hosts provide commentary on esports competitions or host them on a stage. There are types of shoutcasters to note in this field, and they are the following: 


  • Play-By-Play [PBP]:  Play-by-play shoutcasting involves live commentary and analysis of an esports game as it is being played. Casters (as they can also be referred to as) provide a detailed description of game strategies, events, and players, adding context and excitement for the audience.


  • Color: Color shoutcasters provide analysis and insight into the game beyond describing what is happening. They add color to the play-by-play commentary by offering expert opinions on players, strategies and the state of the game. This adds depth and understanding to the game. 


  • Hybrid: Hybrid shoutcasters possess both analysis and play-by-play skills, and that allows them to provide both in-depth game knowledge and exciting commentary. 


  •  Solo/Collaborative: Solo shoutcasters provide only play-by-play analysis alone with no co-caster, while collaborative shoutcasters have co-casters who run both analysis and play-by-play simultaneously.  


Now that you have been able to identify the types, here are some tips to help make you stand out in the business as a shoutcaster: 

Photo Credit: Microsoft Copilot

  • Create a good cast: A good cast goes unnoticed as it is felt. Be sure to not distract the audience with your voice; mentioning things that are worth talking about make up for a good cast. Treat every series as the best series, with spontaneity applied, because every game is different with complex situations and outcomes. 


  • Know your goal: Regardless of your choice of casting, you should have a goal of giving information that may oftentimes be missed by the regular or passive viewer. Leaning into strategies or player statistics along with conducting research on the games or players’ nuances can help develop your role as a shoutcaster.  


  • Have a healthy routine: Shoutcasting may be a bit demanding because you may have to be doing this everyday. As a result you want to be healthy enough to always be up to the task. Getting enough sleep, drinking a lot of water, drinking less cold drinks, breathing, humming, jaw exercises and lip trills among other vocal exercises can help get you ready before casting. 


  • Improve your communication skills: To have a captivating and commanding presence with your casting, it is necessary that you take time to improve your communication skills by talking to people often, enhancing your vocabulary which helps to help correct your diction. This will prevent you from repeating certain phrases and with more daily interaction make you a better shoutcaster. 


  • Work on your game knowledge: This takes on a more practical format, with you as a shoutcaster playing the game to understand it, as well as reading articles and following up on pro shoutcasters and their analyses. Game knowledge will always encounter change, so to be abreast of new strategies and gameplays, be ready to learn always. 


  • Networking: You gain recognition from your skills as a shoutcaster, and moving forward with this means to be intentional with your connections. Do not hesitate to network with new clients as this is a freelance job for the most parts. Even if you are the best, still form new relationships with clients. Your next big break may come from anywhere. 


As you build your portfolio you can go on to host bigger profile events, move into esports journalism, radio commentating or any other esports field of interest such as coaching or management. You make your mark as a shoutcaster with frequency, consistency. 


Esports has helped create jobs for lots of people. Interested in knowing about the business side of esports? Listen to the Gamers Change Lives Podcast! We get experienced guests from all around the world featuring. 

Gamers Change Lives Podcast

Written by Jeffrey Osei-Agyeman