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Jan. 1, 2024

Time With Shirley McPhaul — Executive Secretary, Puerto Rico Game Developers Association (PRGDA)

Time With Shirley McPhaul — Executive Secretary, Puerto Rico Game Developers Association (PRGDA)


It is with no doubt that esports has shown exceptional growth. The elevation from a leisure activity to now making the cut to being a traditional sport-adjacent, and making over a billion dollars in revenue, this has become a side of the gaming industry that has had not only eyes, but massive support from brands all over the world. 


This season highlights the setting up of an esports business, with counsel given from top industry players in the field or related, and this episode features Ms. Shirley McPhaul, who is the executive secretary for the Puerto Rico Game Developers Association (PRGDA). She also has a background in Web3 and blockchain technology.


According to Shirley, Puerto Rico created the environment for the business of esports in the year 2019, with the government pledging their support by making steady efforts in the game development and esports in the country. There are a few esports clubs owned by some individuals on the island, alongside the longest running big event First Attack, which has lasted for the past ten years. There is also Winter Clash, which are both organized by the same person, Ricardo Roman (@rmonopr).


Although there is still the conversation of whether esports is an art form or not, Shirley believes her involvement in the arena and the accompanying events have helped with people catching on to the realization of competitive gaming being an art form, and appreciating the fact that gamers get to have an experience exclusive to the games, as they come with their unique form of storytelling. Through this realization the aspect of socialization gets to be explored, because esports helps create communities for gamers and gamers to bond over certain games, and further these connections into other ventures that they may have and find interests in. There is still resistance yes, but it is less than what it was ten years ago. 


The conversation with parents on allowing their kids to play is more of helping them to understand that it is possible to have them venture into esports as not only a gamer, but event organizing, shoutcasting, team management amongst others. A look into the broader aspects of the industry helps them to understand that it is bigger than just being a gamer, and this viewpoint will have them not close the door on their kids not being able to live up to being gamers. 

The thing with esports is the application of knowledge it provides, through the ability to merge skills that have been honed over time into other related or unrelated ventures. One could get into the world of video game creation through programming skills, or podcasting through the skills acquired from streaming gameplay and the use of equipment needed to go live. This goes a long way to helping people branch off into other sectors in the industry (or outside of it), having them be resourceful nonetheless. 

“And the amount of critical thinking that goes into making a game, I mean, come on, I personally would want my kids, I don't have any, but if I did, I certainly would, I would want my kids to be making games.” Shirley McPhaul, Exec. Sec., PRGDA


With the PRGDA, there is a mentorship lounge created to connect people who want to be mentors and match them with students – game developers, artists or interested persons wanting to pursue gaming and esports. The relationship continuing is dependent on the mentor and mentee; the PRGDA is only into the pairing. 

Through her involvement with the Puerto Rico Blockchain Association as she runs their education and community outreach program Shirley helps with sharing knowledge on NFTs, blockchain, Web3, etc. She looks to keep an eye out for persons interested in supporting the mentorship lounge as well as providing information on the Web3 and its accompanying resources. 


Esports has helped create jobs for lots of people. Interested in knowing about the business side of esports? Listen to the Gamers Change Lives Podcast! We get experienced guests from all around the world featuring. 

Gamers Change Lives Podcast

Written By Jeffrey Osei-Agyeman