Sept. 6, 2022

Season Two Trailer: ”Follow the Money”

Season Two Trailer: ”Follow the Money”
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Season Two Trailer: ”Follow the Money”

The Gamers Change Lives Podcast Season Two: “Follow the Money”
Do you have big goals for your esports team, or tournament, or enterprise? I’ll bet the answer is a big “YES!” We are gamers, right? We know what thinking big and winning feels like.
But ...

The Gamers Change Lives Podcast Season Two: “Follow the Money”

Do you have big goals for your esports team, or tournament, or enterprise? I’ll bet the answer is a big “YES!” We are gamers, right? We know what thinking big and winning feels like.

But the one thing holding us back from reaching our goals is money. There is never enough investment to start out or grow our business. We don’t have enough money to send our team across the world, or even across town. And there is never enough to be able to pay for that spectacular venue we see in our dreams for our next tournament. Or sometimes to pay out the tournament prizes.

Why does this happen more often than not?

In Season One of the Gamers Change Lives Podcast we spoke with so many successful esports entrepreneurs and others and the one common theme we learned from them all is that it takes money to make things happen. It takes money to create jobs. And to change lives.

But let’s face it money can be hard to find, especially in some parts of the world, maybe in your part of the world.

Season Two of the Gamers Change Lives Podcast is titled “Follow the Money”.

We know that there are plenty of sources of money out there. They exist in every part of the world, including yours. Trust me on this. Many of the people controlling investments and sponsorship don’t know about esports. They think of esports as their son or daughter playing Fortnite, or FIFA, or COD. They don’t think of esports as an opportunity for smart business deals. Not yet anyway.

Who is going to tell them? You are. And in Season Two we are going to help you do just that.

No, we are not going to be handing out money in Season Two. Instead, we are offering something much more valuable, the stories of others who have done exactly what you want to do.

“Finding funding in esports is not rocket science. It is learning where to look, what to say, and how to close deals all from people who have done it before.”

Join Us

Join us on our journey in Season Two of the Gamers Change Lives Podcast: “Follow the Money”. Subscribe today and be the first to hear of our new season and to hit the ground running on changing your esports adventure forever.

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Creator and host: Tom Leonard (USA) -

Producer: Reginal Nsowah (Ghana) - 


Play Games. Create Jobs. Change Lives.

The Gamers Change Lives Podcast is a show about how to build an esports business from literally anywhere in the world where each week we showcase the journey of an inspiring esports entrepreneur and learn how they solved one particular problem that everyone will ultimately face.

I am your host, Tom Leonard. I have a background in entertainment marketing. After working with many amazing esports entrepreneurs from emerging markets, they inspired me to create a show to tell their stories so that others can be motivated to create their own esports business. Gaming and esports can create jobs tackling the problem of global youth unemployment. Creating jobs from playing games. What could be better than that?

Thanks for listening to The Gamers Change Lives Podcast!

Tom Leonard Profile Photo

Tom Leonard


Now I definitely don’t have all the answers. Or even all the questions. But I do know that if we join forces, team up on a quest, we can figure it out together. Every gamer knows that this is a winning strategy.